The slipping bearing was used in the construction period to release part of the horizontal reaction force. 对于顶面连接方式,采用与施工方案相结合的节点设计方式,通过滑动支座释放部分水平反力。
Covers the physical losses caused by natural hazards and accidents during the construction period. 承保项目施工期间由于自然灾害、意外事故造成的直接物质损失。
The term may exceed 30 years for projects involving large investment, long construction period and low returns. 投资大、建设期长、资金利润低的项目,合营期限也可以在30年以上。
Research on landslide and management plan of long and large tunnel during construction period in Expressway 高速公路长大隧道施工塌方及处理方案研究
The part defects resulted from foundation treatment and constructing quality in construction period. 局部出现的缺陷属于施工期基础处理和填筑质量问题。
The Research on Early Warning of the Owner Risk of the Expressway Project during Construction Period 高速公路项目业主建设期风险预警研究
A Historical Investigation of the Party's Cadre Work During the Socialist Revolution and Construction Period 社会主义革命和建设时期党的干部工作的历史考察
Influence of Prolonged Construction Period Caused by Development Enterprise on Cost 甲方原因造成的工期延长对开发成本的影响
Study on Working Condition during Construction Period and Integral Degree of Safety on JinPing Arch Dam 锦屏高拱坝施工期性态分析及整体安全度研究
It was difficult to construct because of large span, lots of high altitude work and short construction period. 由于桁架跨度大、高空作业多、工期短,施工难度较大。
The plan will be a logical extension to the imp developed and implemented for the construction period. 该计划是为施工阶段编制和实施的接口管理计划的逻辑延伸。
Consolidation of existing abutments is key to ensuring construction period and normal operation of railway line. 既有桥台加固是控制工期、确保线路正常运营的关键。
This scheme applies finite field sufficiently, saves construction period, and creates good social and economic benefits. 该方案充分利用了有限的作业场地,节省了施工工期,创造了良好的社会效益和经济效益。
To verify the rationality of the method, the present method was applied to the analysis of monitoring data during the construction period of Yanshan Reservoir, and satisfactory results were obtained. 为验证方法的合理性,将其运用到燕山水库施工期监测资料的分析中,取得到了较好的结果。
Abstract: the Three Gorges project is a large-scale project with long construction period and large investment demand. 文摘:三峡工程规模巨大,建设工期长,投资需求大。
The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary lighting necessary in the construction period. 在施工期间,承包商应提供并维持必要的临时照明系统。
Many of the diesel-electric submarines from that construction period are now in reserve. 许多在那个时期建造的柴电动力潜艇现在已经转为预备役。
This research has helped to standardize the management and decision-making of railway projects and provided basis to decision making in mass construction period. 该研究有助于提高铁路建设项目管理及规划决策科学化、规范化水平,为铁路大规模建设时期的项目决策提供依据。
During construction period, the world's major construction companies joined the project-building activities. 在施工期间,世界上各主要建筑公司纷纷加入该工程建设活动。
Analysis of these issues was done in detail, the comprehensive geological prediction technology in construction period and the corresponding contingency plans for construction were proposed. 对以上问题进行详细分析,并提出施工期综合地质超前预报技术方案和相应的施工建议。
The project construction period is expected to8 months. 该项目建设期预计为8个月。
The intension of integrate plan of engineering cost and construction period is analyzed based on earning value method. 以挣值管理方法为研究内容,分析工程造价与施工工期集成计划的内涵。
The construction can be more rapid and convenient, and the construction period is effectively shortened. 能使施工更加快速简便,有效缩短施工周期。
Structure safety and reliability are firmly required during construction period. 施工期间对结构的安全性和可靠性有着严格的要求。
The original construction program is scheduled to project construction period is3 years. 原来的建设项目,预计项目建设期为3年。
The demands of the tracing compensation grouting program for construction and monitoring are higher but can save a lot of project cost and shorten the construction period. 循迹补偿注浆对施工和监控要求较高,可大量节省工程造价、缩短工期;
And progress payments are made to the contractors at agreed stages during the construction period. 承包人的款项是通过累进付款的方式在工期内按约定的阶段付清。
The expected development and construction period of Central Living Area is from 2002 to 2020. 预计中央居住区的发展和建设期是2002至2020年。
The results prove that the construction scheme is feasible to ensure construction period and safety. 结果表明施工方案可行,保证了施工工期和安全。
It can reduce the construction period and expenditure in high-water-content soil tunnel without systematic bolts and has significant economic value and social benefit. 高含水量隧道取消系统锚杆,可缩短工期和降低工程造价,具有显著的经济价值和社会效益。